When to take NAD+
NAD+ is involved in a lot of metabolic pathways in the body, some that regulate energy, some regulate sleep cycles and some regulate hormone production. So what is the best time to take your NAD+?

When to take NAD+
Article by Chris Geddes, CEO of Vaion Health Ltd
I have been taking NAD+ for 6+ months at the time of writing, through the VAION+ pen, injecting the 0.2ml every other day, as recommended and I have found the results to be delightful. While I only really started to notice a difference to how I was feeling after 3 injections, I now feel the effects shortly after each micro-injection. Within about 15 minutes, I feel noticeably more energetic, calmer, more focused and my mood lifts. I started this journey with NAD+ very reluctant to inject myself… but now I look forward to it.
Given my experience, when is it best to take NAD+?
The answer is that it depends on which of its characteristics you want to maximise.
Take NAD+ in the morning to optimise focus and mood
The effects of the NAD+ last all day for me but are strongest 30 minutes after my injection. The most important factor for me in my day-to-day is to have the sharpest and most focused mind so I can do my best work all day. As a result, I choose to take my NAD+ first thing in the morning when I come downstairs (I like to wait a little while after I wake up so that I know the effect isn’t just the process of waking up and is actually the NAD+ working).
Take NAD+ before exercise to optimise your workouts
I have recently had a number of messages from customers who are seeing significant improvements in their training, scoring personal best times and training for longer than they have been able to do before. One has even come up with an unfortunate nickname for his Vaion injection and likes to tell people that it is time for his goNAD… Each has independently shifted their routine to take their NAD+ micro-injection 15 mins before starting their workouts (in the locker room or when getting changed)… so if it is exercise you want to optimise, why not try shifting your timing to just before you start?
NB: NAD+ really is temperature sensitive and delicate. As such, if you travel with your NAD+ and keep it out of the fridge for long periods, please use an insulated case with ice packs to keep it cool.
Take NAD+ the same time every day, in the morning, to help you sleep
My experience with sleep since taking NAD+ is that it is greatly improved. The word that springs to mind is “clean”. My sleep is “clean”, meaning that I sleep deeply and wake quickly, without the grogginess that I used to feel. This was such a win for me as, with the stresses of life, hitting my 40’s and so on, my sleep really wasn’t very good any more. Waking up fully refreshed every day is a joy.
Having said that, I have also experimented (for your benefit, reader) on taking NAD+ at other times of the day. When taking later in the day, I found my brain more active later into the evening and it was harder to go to sleep. Taking it immediately before bed was, obviously, the most extreme instance of having a whirring mind past midnight. My personal recommendation, if you look to optimise sleep, is to inject your NAD+ micro-dose first thing in the morning and to do it the same time every dose-day.
In summary: when to take NAD+ depends on you
There are a lot of other reasons that you may wish to take NAD+. For example, some customers have told us that the symptoms of their menopause have been hugely relieved by topping up their NAD+. They have transitioned from not wanting to get out of bed, crying frequently and being miserable, to feeling close to their old selves again. There are many ways that you can read about in the scientific journals on our website, that you may take NAD+.
One thing that I do believe is that taking it at roughly the same time each dose-day is a good thing to do. Unlike the IV Drips, which administer a huge dose in one go which wears off over the month, we are looking to maintain your NAD+ levels in your system… this means topping up at regular intervals to get the best results. At least, that’s the theory and that what has been working for me.
I hope this perspective helps.