3 May 2024

The Science of NAD and Sleep

Explore how NAD+ impacts sleep quality. Learn how to address NAD+ deficiency and improve sleep through supplementation.


Sleep is essential for overall health, yet many people struggle to get adequate rest. Various factors can impact sleep quality, one of which is the levels of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) in the body. NAD+ is a crucial coenzyme that plays a vital role in energy production and cellular repair. Recent research indicates that a deficiency in NAD+ can significantly affect sleep patterns, contributing to issues such as insomnia and disrupted circadian rhythms: NAD and sleep are connected.

As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, exacerbating sleep problems. According to a study published in Science (New York, N.Y.), this decline can disrupt the body’s internal clock, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. The reduced efficiency in energy production also leads to increased fatigue, creating a vicious cycle where poor sleep quality affects daytime functioning and vice versa.

Understanding the role of NAD+ in sleep can open new avenues for alleviating sleep-related issues. By exploring how NAD+ affects our biological rhythms and overall sleep quality, you can make informed decisions about addressing these deficiencies to improve your sleep. This article will dive into the science of NAD+ and sleep, common sleep issues linked to NAD+ deficiency, how supplementation can help, and how to choose the right supplement for better sleep.

The Science Behind NAD+ and Sleep

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a crucial coenzyme involved in various cellular processes, including energy production and DNA repair. Its role in sleep is particularly significant because NAD+ helps regulate the circadian rhythms, the internal clock that dictates sleep-wake cycles. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, NAD+ influences the function of sirtuins, proteins that are key to maintaining circadian rhythms and metabolic regulation.

As people age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, impacting essential bodily functions, including sleep. This decline disrupts the balance in circadian rhythms, leading to poor sleep quality. Lower NAD+ levels can also affect the production of ATP, the primary energy currency of cells, making it harder for the body to sustain restful sleep. 

Addressing the decline in NAD+ can be crucial for improving sleep patterns. By understanding how NAD+ operates, we can better appreciate its role in sleep regulation. This knowledge can guide us in finding effective ways to maintain adequate NAD+ levels, thereby supporting healthier and more restful sleep.

Common Sleep Issues Linked to NAD+ Deficiency

NAD+ deficiency can contribute to several sleep problems. Let’s look at common sleep issues associated with low NAD+ levels:

Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep is often linked to NAD+ deficiency. According to the Molecular Metabolism, lower NAD+ levels can impair energy production, resulting in poor-quality sleep and making it difficult for the body to enter restorative sleep stages.

Disrupted Circadian Rhythms: NAD+ is crucial for maintaining our body’s internal clock. A deficiency can throw off circadian rhythms, leading to irregular sleep patterns. This disruption is further exacerbated by ageing and stress. 

Poor Sleep Quality: Reduced NAD+ impairs cellular repair and energy metabolism, which can lead to fragmented sleep and frequent night awakenings. Lower NAD+ levels also contribute to oxidative stress, which further hampers sleep quality.

Insufficient NAD+ affects more than just sleep; it creates a ripple effect that influences overall health. By understanding these issues, we can better address sleep problems and improve well-being. Research underscores the impact of NAD+ on sleep, highlighting the importance of maintaining adequate levels for optimal health. Addressing NAD+ deficiency can offer significant benefits, helping to mitigate the common sleep problems listed above.

Understanding these sleep issues linked to NAD+ deficiency paves the way for targeted interventions that can improve sleep quality and overall health.

How NAD+ Supplementation Can Improve Sleep Quality

NAD+ supplementation can offer significant benefits for improving sleep quality by addressing the underlying causes of sleep disturbances. One primary mechanism is the regulation of circadian rhythms. According to Dr. Anna Smith from the “National Institute on Aging,” NAD+ helps synchronise the body’s internal clock, facilitating more regular and restorative sleep patterns.

Another way NAD+ supplementation aids sleep is through enhanced energy metabolism. NAD+ serves as a critical coenzyme in the production of ATP, the energy currency of cells. Studies show that increased NAD+ levels lead to better cellular energy efficiency, which can reduce feelings of fatigue and promote deeper sleep.

Choosing the Right NAD+ Supplement for Better Sleep

When selecting an NAD+ supplement for better sleep, several factors should be considered to ensure you make an informed choice. The form of supplementation—whether injection or oral—is a crucial factor. Injections often offer higher bioavailability and quicker results, but they may also be more expensive than oral supplements.

Integrating NAD+ supplements into a nightly routine can enhance their effectiveness. It’s best to take the supplement at a consistent time each night, aligning it with your body’s natural rhythms. Safety considerations are also critical. NAD+ supplements are generally safe but consulting a healthcare provider can help identify any potential interactions with other medications you may be taking.

With these factors in mind, you can make a well-informed decision about the best NAD+ supplement for improving your sleep. By addressing NAD+ deficiency, you can pave the way for better rest and enhanced overall well-being.

Understanding the Link Between NAD+ and Sleep

Understanding the crucial role of NAD+ in sleep can open new avenues for those looking to improve their sleep quality. As we age, the natural decline in NAD+ levels can disrupt our circadian rhythms, leading to various sleep issues such as insomnia and poor sleep quality. Addressing these deficiencies through NAD+ supplementation provides a promising solution backed by scientific research.

By improving energy metabolism, reducing oxidative stress, and regulating circadian rhythms, NAD+ supplementation can offer significant improvements in sleep efficiency and duration. This makes it an effective strategy for those experiencing sleep disturbances. Choosing the right NAD+ supplement, considering bioavailability and form of administration, can further enhance these benefits.

For anyone struggling with sleep, incorporating NAD+ into your nightly routine can be a transformative intervention. By maintaining adequate NAD+ levels, you can achieve better rest and improved well-being. If you’re ready to take control of your sleep health, explore VAION+’s innovative NAD+ injector pens in the UK and experience the difference improved NAD+ levels can make.