Dr Turner is an anaesthetic consultant and a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists; he leads our Medical Advisory team.
Will is a Consultant Anaesthetist who also works within the NHS. As well as an honours degree in medicine, he also holds a masters degree in chemistry from the University of Nottingham, making his skillset ideal for VAION+. Will enjoys teaching and acts as faculty, leading several national simulation and training courses. He has also published several articles in various international scientific journals.
He has undertaken a research and clinical fellowship in Obstetric Anaesthesia at the Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
Alongside his anaesthesia and critical care work, he has established a successful aesthetic practice, delivering anti-wrinkle treatment to a wide-ranging group of regular clients in South London and Surrey.
In his own words:
“I passionately support the AION + NAD+ self-delivery system for its unparalleled benefits: enhanced cellular energy, improved cognitive function, and superior anti-aging effects. Ideal for maintaining NAD+ levels while travelling or during busy work periods, this clean, safe, and easy self-administration system revolutionises NAD+ therapy, empowering patients to optimise their health effortlessly.”